
Sigridur Gunnarsdottir
Sigríður Gunnardsdóttir, RN, PhD President of SASP Professor at the University of Iceland and Landspitali University Hospital Director of the Icelandic Cancer Registry Main research focus is on health related quality of life and symptoms, including pain in cancer survivors.

Bijar Ghafouri
SASP Board member a pre-clinical Professor of biochemistry of chronic pain with a focus on proteomics at the dept. of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences, division of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Community Medicine, Linköping university, Sweden. Her main research interest is investigating molecular “signature” of chronic pain using omics. She is head of PAINOMICS laboratory at the division of Pain and Rehabilitation Medicine.

Carsten Dahl Mørch

Cecilie Therese Hagemann
SASP Board member PhD, Associate professor at the Dept. of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and clinical gynaecologist at the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. Olavs hospital, Trondheim, Norway. Research interests include epidemiology and management of women with persistent pelvic pain.

Christopher Nielsen
PhD, Senior Scientist, Norwegian Institute of Public Health and Department of Pain Management and Research, Oslo University Hospital. Main interests: epidemiology, experimental pain research, twin studies and molecular genetics.

Märta Segerdahl

Reetta Sipilä
PhD, clinical psychologist and clinical researcher. Works in The Finnish center for pediatric and adolescent pain and research center in Helsinki University Hospital. Research interest includes post-surgical pain, sleep, and psychological processes in pain experience

Mads Werner
MD, DMSc, Associate Professor, Neuroscience Center, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen. Research focus persistent post-surgical pain. Editor-in-Chief Scand J Pain and member of PROSPECT.

Teemu Zetterman
PhD, MD, BSc. General practitioner at the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava, PhD student at Helsinki University Hospital Pain Clinic on fibromyalgia.

Sigridur Zoëga
Board member PhD, Associate Professor with the University of Iceland and Head Nurse of the Landspítali University Hospital Pain Services. Main interest: Clinical pain studies, symptom management, quality of care